Due to extensive changes with the soon available iOS 18 version from Apple, we recommend that you do not install the first version on your IOS devices yet, but wait for the first possible bug fixes and patches. Under certain circumstances, some of your installed apps may encounter problems and not function as usual.
The purpose of this article is to explain how you are able to capture a Defect using the Think Project Quality app.
With our app it is possible to capture defects, add pictures and upload them immediately to the platform, so every project partner can access the concerning defect right away in one central point.
Open the Think Project Quality app, select sign in.
You will be ask to be redirected to the Thinkproject page. Select continue and then log in with your username and password.
A list of the Projects you are in which are connected with the quality app will appear. Select the Project room you would like to work in.
Since some projects are linked to the app via a different login, your projects that use the Quality app may not appear here after login. To do this, activate the Enterprise area below and in the next step select the relevant instance, which you normally use to log in and enter your login data.
Select the Defect Management and then the upper right icon to download the project room content.
When you first access your project room, it is necessary to download the project configuration first. This could take a moment.
If you want to capture a new defect select Capture, then tap on the + on the upper right screen to choose your preferred method of documentation.
- From gallery: Document a defect with a picture from your mobile device picture storage (to use a picture from your gallery the Think Project Quality app will need access to your picture gallery).
- From camera: Choose this option to take a new picture and document the defect (to take a picture the think project! quality app needs access to your camera).
- From description: You can describe the defect in this option and document it that way.
- From QR-code: You can scan QR-codes, and the stored values from the QR-code to describe the defect are automatically filled in the defect input form. This way you can locate the defect with one click. QR-codes can e.g. be attached to a room (to scan a QR-code the Think Project Quality app needs access to your camera).
- From File: You can upload a file that is saved on your phone.
- From Voice: You can make a voice recording of the defect you see.
- From drawing: You can mark a defect on a drawing saved in the quality app here.
- From scan: You can scan a drawing and then mark the defect in the scan (to scan a drawing the Think Project Quality app needs access to your camera).
If you want to capture a defect you can attach a picture for bulletproof documentation. You can either choose a picture from your gallery, describe the defect and attach a picture later, or take a new picture.
Just click the preferred icon. Here as an example, the selection from picture is described.
Your devices camera opens and you can take a picture of the defect. If you want to use the picture choose Use Photo, if you want to take another picture select Retake.
If you are satisfied with your picture, the defect can be described and located with more detail in the opening screen. You can see the picture in the upper left corner
Now you see the picture and 2 action bars one on the upper screen and one on the lower screen offering different options:
Upper Action Bar:
– return to the previous screen
– reverse your action
– add deleted action back in
– delete all actions
– save picture
Lower Action Bar:
– comment on the picture
– draw on the picture using your finger
– Add a square, circle, or arrow
– crop, rotate or flip the picture
– adjust Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast and Blur
If you have added all desired markings to your picture and clicked on the Check Mark you will be directed to the main form to capture the defect. You can fill out the corresponding fields to describe and locate the defect in detail and assign a person responsible for the remedy process.
- If you are in more than one Project room the fields listed to be filed, may vary project to project.
- Fields marked with * are requirements and must be filled out. If a field is marked with a lock symbol, the content is fixed for your project and cannot be changed.
Defect description:
Defect title: fill in title here
Defect description: describe the defect here
Defect type: choose defect type here
Captured by: add capturer‘s role here
Trade: choose trade here
Building/Component: choose building/component
Level/Floor: choose level/floor here
Axis: choose axis here
Area/Room: choose area/room here
Detailed location: describe defects detailed location here
Responsible subcontractor: choose responsible subcontractor here
Due date: set due date for defect remedy
Info: some pre-defined parameters to identify the defect
If you would wish to add further pictures, click + on the lower left screen.
If you are capturing multiple defects and would like to fixate some inputs for other defects, click on the pin icon. When the pin is highlighted green, just tap on the field next to the description. The pin will appear next to it and your entries will be fixed. If you would like to undo the fixation just tap on the pin next to the field‘s name a second time when the pin symbol on the bottom is highlighted green.
To save a defect select Save on the upper right screen. To cancel the defect capturing click Back and all entries will be discarded.
Project drawings can be saved in the Think Project Quality app. If you have a printed drawing you can also scan the drawing. Just click on the corresponding icons from scan or from drawing. This section explains clearly how to capture a defect and document it on a stored drawing. Click + and choose from drawing.
You will see the screen to select your drawing. You can filter the displayed drawings with the location filter. Find your desired drawing under Select drawing and select it.
A screen with the drawing content opens. You can tap on the marker icon to add markers to the drawing.
If you have set the marker on the right area, click on the camera icon in the top-right corner of the screen and then select Next to be directed to the defect capturing form.
Proceed as described in the How to document a Defect with a picture section.
You now have the option for adding a signature to a defect you upload. Once you have saved a defect and are in main list, select the + symbol at the top right and select signature. You will go back to the list and have an action bar at the bottom.
Select the Defect you would like to add this too and then select the Pen & Paper Symbol in the action bar.
Add your signature and then select the check mark.
You can see the signature is now added at the bottom. Select Save
Once saved you can see in the list which Defect has a signature added, due to the green picture symbol on the defect.
As this feature is new, you may not have the signature option in your menu. If this is the case and you wish to have this, please let a Project Manager get in touch with us, via a ticket, so we can add this onto your app.
You can use all functions of the app offline, but if you would like to make an upload to the platform you need to ensure a connection to the internet.
If you have saved a Defect to be uploaded later, you will find here a list of all Defects captured, displayed with a picture and some parameters from the description. If you want to edit the descriptions, select the defect from the list.
If you have captured all desired Defects you can start the upload by selecting + followed by Upload. Confirm the upload by clicking OK.
If you have successfully uploaded all defects you will be notified and the list will appear empty.
If you select the sandwich menu symbol at the top left a menu will appear where you can go to different project rooms and go into the app settings.
In the app settings you can changes settings to make the app more personalised for you.
- Image Size for upload can be changed
- Add visible date stamp on photos
- Save captured photos from system gallery
- Removed photos from the system gallery after import
- Edit photo directly after taking it
- Use TouchID to unlock the app
Please update your project data regularly in the app. This is important as any changes made to the project will otherwise not be transferred to your app.
You can update the data for your project by clicking on the sandwich menu at the top left. Then select Manage projects. Next to the relevant project, select the three-dots and click on Update project configuration.
Screenshots are an example. The interface of your platform may look different, but the processes remain the same.
Some of the functions shown may differ slightly depending on the release version of your project room.