Capture a Defect with the Thinkproject platform

The purpose of this article is to explain how to capture a Defect using the Think Project platform.

Firstly, log in to the platform and select the project you would like to work on to edit defects captured with the quality app or capture new defects on your desktop.

Capture a defect on your desktop

To capture a defect on your desktop, select New followed by Defect Management.

You will be directed to the screen, where the defect can be captured.


In the defect registration window, you can enter the various parameters to precisely specify the defect. Fields marked with a * must be filled out.

  • Defect description
    • Defect title: Free text field for the title of the defect.
    • Defect type: Selection field for the type of defect.
    • Defect description: Free text field to describe the defect.
    • Defect recording: selection field for the role of the recorder.
    • Recorded on: will be filled in automatically.
  • Localisation of defects/trade
    • Building/component: selection field for building/component.
    • Level/Story: Selection field for level/story.
    • Axis: Selection field for axis.
    • Area/Room: selection field for area/room.
    • Detailed localisation: Free text field for precise localisation.
  • Process status
    • Status: selection field for the processing status.
    • Deadline: Set a deadline for rectifying the defect.

The status you must choose depends on your role in the project room and who originally reported the issue. The status is important because it shows the current process status of the defect and it is used to define the filter in which the defect is displayed in the project space.


There are the following status messages, which describe either the status between client and general contractor or between general contractor and subcontractor:

Status Client-Contractor (GC):

  • No client defect: The defect was not reported by the client.
  • Notified GC: The client has notified the GC of the defect.
  • Clearance reported by the GC: The GC has reported the defect as clear.


Status Contractor(GC)-Subcontractor(SC):

  • Recorded: The deficiency has been recorded but not yet assigned.
  • Notified SC: The GC has notified the corresponding SC of the defect.
  • Released by the SC: the SC has released the defect.
  • Clearance confirmed: The GC has confirmed the clearance.
  • Release notification rejected: The GC has rejected the release notification.

You can add a comment or files as an attachment to your recorded defect. To add a file, simply drag a file from your desktop into the Drop file here box, or click Add file(s) and select the appropriate files on your desktop.

The sub-contractors are automatically matched with the corresponding defects. If you wish to add more members to the communication, you can use the Message function. If you have not added other members to the communication the message is sent to the concerning sub-contractor and filed on the platform.

For further instructions on how to compose a message and add recipients, check the following article Create and send a message


You can edit Defects on your desktop even if you have captured them with the mobile quality app. Just select the Defect in the all defects list and click edit defect. You will find your entries from the app in the form that opens.

Screenshots are an example. The interface of your platform may look different, but the processes remain the same.

Some of the functions shown may differ slightly depending on the release version of your project room.

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