The purpose of this article is to give you a brief overview of the individual elements of the TP CDE defect management module.
TP CDE Defect Management provides you with a solution to capture your defects with the think project! Quality app, save them on one central platform that every project partner can access, and allows all involved members to track and share the remedy workflow.
The TP CDE solution for your defect management contains the following:
- The think project! Quality app
- The Defect Management solution in your project room:
- Defect Management > All Defects: Here you will find all captured defects
- Drawings for Quality App > All Drawings: Here you will find all drawings saved in the quality app.
You can find out how to capture defects using the TP Quality App in the article Capture a defect with the TP Quality App, you can read about capturing defects with our platform in the article Capture a defect with the Thinkproject platform.
Your access rights and the actions you can take to record and remove defects depends on the role you have been assigned in the project room. They can deviate from this description and the input fields can be named differently due to project-specific adjustments. However, the system remains the same.
Screenshots are an example. The interface of your platform may look different, but the processes remain the same.
Some of the functions shown may differ slightly depending on the release version of your project room.