Defect Management Workflow

The purpose of this article is to explain the Defect Management workflow within TP CDE.

Please note that the process flow may differ in your project.



1. Capture the Defect with the Thinkproject Quality app. After the upload, Defects are transferred to the platform and get their status captured. Through the capturer Owner/General Contractor the Defects are automatically separated and numbered as either Owner-defect or GC-defect.

This step is described in the Capture a Defect with the think project! Quality App article.

2. Editing the Defects in the Thinkproject Platform and correction or addition of information. Forwarding to the GC with the status assigned GC.

This step is described in the Capture a Defect with the Thinkproject Platform article.

3. By selecting the GC-SC status, the Defects become accessible for the sub-contractors. The sub-contractors are not directly addressed, but the defects are filed in a separate filter. The defects in this filter can be downloaded from the SC.

This step is described in the Trace a Defect with the Thinkproject Quality app article.

4. The SC documents this Defect remedy with the GC-SC status: clearance by SC and can add pictures or a comment.

This step is described in the How to report clearance for a Defect (Sub-Contractor) article.

5. The general contractor documents the clearance notification with the Owner-GC status: clearance by GC and can add pictures or a comment.

This step is described in the How to check a clearance notification (Owner or General Contractor) article.

Screenshots are an example. The interface of your platform may look different, but the processes remain the same.

Some of the functions shown may differ slightly depending on the release version of your project room.

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