BIM Viewer

The purpose of this article is for you to get an insight into the functions of the TP CDE BIM Viewer.

To open partial and coordination models or combine different partial models to a coordination model, open the TP CDE BIM solution, then a new tab with the BIM viewer will open.

mceclip0.png The 3D Review Board shows 2 main panels with the filters from TP CDE. The structure of the filters matches the structure in your TP CDE Modelmanagement for partial and coordination models.

In the default-setting, partial models are displayed in the panel on the left side of the viewer and coordination models on the right. If you want to switch the partial model column and the coordination model column, you can open the drop-down menu by clicking on the triangle next to the name and click on the switch sides symbol.


These are the main filters for a partial or a coordination models, they are accessible by all project-members:

  • The Current filter displays the latest revisions of the different models
  • The All filter displays all revisions of the different models separately
  • Review-filters display models that are currently in the review-process
  • Other filters depend on the individual settings of your TP CDE project

Get a quick overview in our video or read through the specific topics below.

Uploading and creating models in the viewer

To upload new models directly within the 3D Review Board, click on New.

To combine different partial models to one coordination model, click on the Combine models. A second panel to create a coordination model will open. You will now see checkboxes next to the partial model names in the partial models column. Search for the different partial models you want to combine in the filters and click on the checkboxes to add them to your coordination model. All loaded models for your new coordination model will occur as referenced partial models in the create coordination model column. Referenced models can be deleted by clicking the x.

You can open the model in the content area and inspect the new coordination model in detail, if you click on the 3D-View button. The columns can be folded by dragging them to the side to enlarge the content are and inspect you model. The different options to navigate in the content area are described under Navigation tools.

Save your coordination model by clicking Save. You will be directed to the upload form in your TP CDE, where you can add all required information and upload your model. To discard the model and return to the default view, click Discard. Please be careful, your coordination model will not be saved and is lost after clicking on Discard.

Inspect uploaded models 

Search the model you want to open in one of the filters. You can extend or reduce both column if you click on the three dots on the edge of the column and drag the edge of the column towards the centre or towards the corresponding side of your screen to enlarge either the content area or the model palette view.

Browse to the filters by clicking on the global filter icon or sort the models by any property, by selecting a property from the selection next to the global filter button.

Search the model you want to open and click on the eye-symbol that will occur when you navigate your curser over the model. After the model has loaded, you will see your model in the content area.

The Thinkproject BIM viewer offers many different functionalities to inspect your model. Choose from the following navigation tools to inspect your model.


Navigation tools

Model overview
You can open the model overview by clicking on the Tree on the upper left corner in the content area. You will find a list of all loaded models.

Click on the checkbox next to the model’s name to mark the model. The marked model will be highlighted in red. You can only mark one model simultaneously. Zoom on the model by clicking on the magnify glass. To show or hide the marked model, click on the Eye symbol. To show or hide a model from the list, the model does not need to be marked. To permanently highlight a model from the list, choose a colour to highlight the model by clicking on the Square icon. The click will open a selection of different colours for you to choose from.

If you open the drop down menu, you will find a variety of different trees. Depending on which tree you open, you can perform a detailed search for different components of the model for your inspection.


Navigation in the content area
  • Left mouse click: select a component in the model or define a rotating point.
    You can select multiple components by holding Ctrl and right-clicking on the different objects.
    Left-clicking on the component will open the quick info field. The quick info shows a set of properties attached to the component.
  • Hold left mouse key: rotate the model by the rotation point.
  • Turn mouse wheel: zoom in our out.
  • Hold right mouse key: Move the model thru the content area.
  • Action bar: On the bottom of the content area you will find the action bar. Use the action bar for advanced navigation in the model.

  • Navigation icon: allows you to switch the observation angle from turntable to top view:


  • Default views icon: choose between different default views:


  • Render mode icon: enable faces and frames only or faces and frames combined for the model:


  • Visibility icon: show or hide single elements in the model or a predefined set of elements:


  • Highlight Selection icon: highlight selected elements, set non selected elements transparent:


  • Create section plane: Define a section plane and rotation point for the plane.


  • Zen Mode: Use this mode to hide the columns to the left and right of the model to increase the area for your model:


  • Reset zoom icon: return to default zoom settings:


If a component is selected, the navigation bar can be extended to show the models name. You can also directly set the components visibility, focus on the component or open the component in the “tree”-column by clicking on the corresponding icon.




Model approval and revision

Selected approvers can directly access shared models via the Thinkproject BIM-viewer and set the approval status for the concerning models. Search for the models you want to approve in one of the filters. The filter structure in the BIM-viewer reflects the filter structure of your TP CDE project room.

Start your approval with inspecting the model in the BIM-viewer. If you have finished your inspection, the model can be uploaded to your TP CDE project room with the updated approval status, directly from the BIM-viewer. To upload the approval status, move the cursor of your mouse over the models name in the filter and open the approval. When moving the cursor over the models name, three symbols are unveiled. Use the “open form”-symbol to switch to the status update form in your TP CDE project room.

mceclip11.png Choose |Actions --> Send selected document as|… to reopen the input form and change the approval status. Scroll down to the approval section and click on the blue bar with the |+| -sign to open the approval section of the input form.

  • Select the approval status you want to upload and click on |Send| to upload the updated document.
  • Approval files and a approval comment can be added, if desired.
  • The history of all approval comments is depictured in the approval history section.

After confirming the sending process, the model will be uploaded with the updated approval status.

Screenshots are an example. The interface of your platform may look different, but the processes remain the same.

Some of the functions shown may differ slightly depending on the release version of your project room.

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