Adjusting Profile Settings in a Project Room

In this article you will learn how you can change your profile settings, such as your e-mail address, address or telephone number in the project room, as well as how you can store a signature.

In the grey action bar of the platform under Settings - My Status you will find an overview of your user information and settings in the project room.  Click on Edit. Here you have the options to edit your contact details, add a signature, or change the language.


Use the tabs above to jump to various settings areas and make your changes there.

To apply the changes, select  Save or switch to the next tab to make further changes.

General tab

Here you can change your user language.

The main data can only be changed by an administrator.

To apply the changes, select Save in the participant action bar or switch to the next tab for further changes.

External addresses tab

Here you can activate or deactivate your e-mail address for forwarding platform messages.

Our TP CDE is a communication-based system, which means that all documents that are stored on the platform are always linked to a message. You will find these messages in the TP CDE message module if you have been addressed as a recipient. You can also have these messages forwarded to your company e-mail address. This has the advantage that you can constantly follow what is happening on the platform and do not have to log in every day.


Depending on the project, the changes that you can make yourself in this tab may vary. In this case, please get in touch with your project manager.



Setting options for forwarding an e-mail
Active Checkbox

  • activated - an e-mail will be forwarded to the stored e-mail address.
  • deactivated - no e-mail will be forwarded.

If the checkbox is active, the type of forwarding of files can be defined as follows:

File Attachment Checkbox

  • activated - you will receive the files as a file attachment.

(Note: this can lead to large amounts of data in your e-mail inbox).

  • deactivated - A link to the file attachment is sent with the e-mail.

If necessary, the documents can also be downloaded with a click.

If e-mail forwarding is active on the project and participant side, this is indicated by an @ symbol (forwarding as a link) or @ + symbol (forwarding with a file attached) in the sent / received message.

To apply the changes, select Save in the participant action bar or switch to the next tab to make further changes.

Contact tab

Here you can store your address, phone and mobile phone number. To open each section, select add, next the section you wish to add information. 

To apply the changes, select Save in the participant action bar or switch to the next tab to make further changes.

Signature tab

You can store your signature here. It is then automatically inserted into the message field each time it is sent. Please do not use images or icons here, as these are not displayed correctly by the html editor and can possibly lead to problems when sending messages.

To apply the changes, select Save in the participant action bar or switch to the next tab to make further changes.

Logbook tab

Here you can track all changes to your user information.

Screenshots are an example. The interface of your platform may look different, but the processes remain the same.

Some of the functions shown may differ slightly depending on the release version of your project room.

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