Amending Contract Details

The purpose of this article is to explain how a user with Contract Admin rights can amend contract details within the new client admin panel.

Your ability to access specific contracts can be impacted by the admin rights you have been granted, please review this before proceeding by navigating to your profile in the Admin Panel – Access & Security.

  • If you are a Contract Admin with access restricted to specific contracts, you will only be able to access contracts where you have been allocated Admin Rights for
  • Changes can only be made where you Contract Access Level is Full Access

If you are unable to complete this admin task due to not having access, please speak to your organisation admins or contact thinkproject support.

Amending Contract Details
Firstly, in order to access a contract, navigate to the Contracts tab on the left-hand side, and search for the contract you want to amend. Next, select the pencil icon against the contract to edit:


You will then be displayed with 13 tabs to the left-hand side, all of which shall be explained below.


Basic Details

Within the Title section, you can view and amend the contract title. Underneath this, you will be displayed with the contract Type, and to the right-hand side within the Type - Display Text field, you can set any additional text you wish to be displayed alongside the contract title.

Below this, you can select whether the contract is a practice contract, whether you wish for it to be displayed within CEMAR Analytics, and then you may view and edit any associations by selecting the pencil icon:

Underneath this, you will be able to add a Contract Logo. Here, use the pencil icon to add a specific logo you wish to display at a contractual level:


Slightly further down the page you will see the Contract Preferences section. There are several preferences which can be adjusted within CEMAR to help with the workflows and administration of your contracts. To adjust the settings, check and un-check the relevant boxes:


Within the Integration section, you are also able to input an integration code, finance code and PBI Date here:


After changes have been made, ensure to select the Save icon in the top-right hand corner of the page:



Within the Project Manager section, you are able to set a PM from the drop down list, similarly with the Contractor's Manager. Below this, you may set a Supervisor from the drop down list also, however, if a Supervisor is not used, tick the Supervisor not used tick box:


Below this area, there is a section to fill in details for both parties. In this example ECC contract, the language refers to an Employer and Contractor, however, this may vary depending on the type of contract you are using:


Below this section, you will see an area for the contract letterheads for both parties. These can be uploaded and amended by selecting the pencil icon:



Select the Time tab to input any time related contract information.

To set and adjust the contract dates, select the calendar icons and pick a date:


To set the defects date (in weeks) type the amount into the defect correction period field.

Date of (actual) Completion can be set by selecting a date from the date picker.

To set Key Dates select the plus icon. This will display a pop-up window allowing you to input the Condition to be met, the current key date and a description of the key date.

To set Sectional Completion Dates, click the plus icon and input the title, the current date and a description.



Each payment stream has its own ‘amount due’. Multiple payment streams are used when several payment mechanisms or currencies are to be managed under a single contract and are currently utilised within payments and change control events.

To add a new payment stream select the plus symbol.

If the padlock is highlighted, this indicates that this cannot be edited as it is referenced in the contract:


Detailed Breakdown allows for the Price for Works Done to Date (PWDD), the Price for Services Provided to Date (PSPD), and other amounts, to be built up from any number of detailed entries:


START USING DETAILED BREAKDOWN - Once this option is selected it will open the below:


In order to add a payment stream, select the + symbol and then fill out the relevant information from the pop out box.

View the different payment streams on this contract by selecting the drop down menu.

You can edit a payment stream item by selecting the pencil icon and then selecting update once you have completed any changes.

For guidance on setting up an Activity Schedule, please see our Activity Schedule article.


To view User information and thresholds, navigate to the Users tab.

For guidance on how to add a User to the contract, please see our help article.

Use these radio buttons to filter your User search by Active, Inactive, Employer and Contractor:


Select Column Options to filter which columns you would like visible within the list:


You may then select these to display how you wish:


Use this drop-down and arrows to filter how many Users you see per page and to navigate to the next page:



To view and edit Contract Events and preferences, click the Events tab:


The Event Preferences section is for the Period for Reply (calendar days) for all events which are not specified in the modules listed below:


Select the Compensation Events tab to adjust the CE types. These may have been changed by any Z Clause amendments to the contract:


In order to add a new CE type, select the + symbol. In order to rename or deactivate a CE type, select the 3 dots highlighted above.

There are several CE preferences which can be adjusted within CEMAR to help with the workflows and administration of your contracts. These settings are found listed in the preferences drop downs. To adjust the setting, check and un-check the relevant boxes:


The periods for reply can be adjusted within the Number of Days * text box available in the Reply Period and Estimates Threshold section:


To adjust the thresholds on this entire contract (not just User by User), enter either -1 or 0 here.  -1 indicates there is no threshold limit, whereas 0 will mean all compensation events and / or quotations will require authorisation:


Within the Early Warnings tab, Superusers can add/edit Early Warning Matters. To add a new EW Matter, select the plus icon:


You will then be presented with the below pop-up box. The soft ref will automatically populate for you, however, you can adjust this if you wish. You can then enter the details of the EW Matter, and select any risks that relate to your EW Matter:


You can also edit any EW Matters by selecting the three dots followed by Edit:


You can also deactivate any EW Matters which have not yet been referenced in your contract:


Within the General Communications tab, Superusers can add/edit GC references. To add a GC reference, select the plus icon highlighted below:


You will then receive the below pop-up box where you can enter the GC reference description, clause number, if a reply is required, the reply days, the Party the reference is intended for, default text, and default recipients:

mceclip3.png mceclip0.png

In addition to this, you can also tick whether you wish for the the 'include communication PDF' and 'include communication attachments' options to be automatically ticked in the edit form when that particular GC reference is selected. These options refer to these two tick boxes within the edit form:


GC references which have been used on a contract cannot be deactivated, however, you can still edit these by selecting the three dots and then Edit:


You can also deactivate GC references which have not yet been used:


And activate them again if you wish:


Within the Payment Assessments tab, tick this preference if you wish for the Payment to be dependent on invoice:


If a module displayed within the Other Events section is displayed in black text, it means it is optional on the Contract. To turn off and on event types, select or deselect the checkbox next to its name. If the event type is grey, it cannot be switched off within the contract, either due to the fact that it is mandatory to the contract type, or if it has already been utilised within the contract.


Roles and Permissions

To view and adjust roles & permissions, select the Roles and Permissions tab. 

To adjust the permissions for a role, first select a role from the drop-down list and then select the down arrow icon to expand the relevant section. Click on the checkbox next to the permission to turn it on and off:


Should you wish to adjust the name of a role, select the role from the drop-down list and then select the three dots. From here, select Rename and enter the new name into the pop-up box before selecting Update.

Many contracts have spare roles that you can utilise. You can rename the spare role by clicking on the 3 dots. All of the activities within the spare roles will be blank for you to set up and customise from scratch.

Should you wish to clone a role, select the three dots and then select Clone:


You may also use the free text search bar to search for a specific role activity:


Once any changes have been made, ensure to select the Save icon in the top-right corner:



To view and adjust approvals, select the Approvals tab.

Select a Party from the two available options within the drop-down:


Within the drop-down you will be presented with the approval structure used by each Party:


You are able to switch to a different approval type by selecting Switch To:


Alerts Only

This is the most basic approval structure with only one level. Only one User is required to be assigned the role of Alerted Manager, however, it is possible to nominate multiple Users if required.

Select the alerted managers from a list of Users attached to the Contract by clicking the checkbox next to their name. When complete, select Verify. Should you make any changes to the Users set up as alerted managers, it will be highlighted in green as displayed below:


Global Approvals

This approval structure introduces an additional stage to the alerts only approvals process, creating a role for approvers which is beyond that of the Alerted Managers.

Alerted Managers may be selected, as well as multiple Approver Delegates. Additionally, Approver Delegates can approve an event. This structure also allows you to nominate specific communication types that require this level of approval. Any communication types not nominated will simply be governed by roles and thresholds (see the alerts only process above).

Expand the below box and select the alerted managers from a list of Users attached to the Contract by clicking the checkbox next to their name. When complete, click Verify:


Select the pencil icon to select the communication type required for approval by an approver. In this example, notifying a compensation event has been selected so every User trying to notify a CE will require approval (from an approver) before it can be notified.

We've simplified our Global Approvals structure so that you now only select the Users you want to be approver delegates - Named Approvers are no longer required to be selected.

Once you have chosen the communication type, select the Approver Delegates you wish to approve this communication type. When complete, select Verify:


Should you wish to turn off this approval structure, select Turn Off.

Event Approvals

The Event Approvals structure, previously known as Contract Approvals, allows for the selection of specific Approvers for specific communication types. For example, you are able to select one Approver for sending an early warning, but a different Approver for accepting a quotation.

Please note, that within this approval structure, all nominated Approvers must provide approval for an event before it can be communicated (whereas global approvals only requires approval from one approver).

Select the pencil icon to select the communication(s) which will require approval by a specific User(s). In this example, notifying a compensation event has been selected. Different events can have different approvers. When complete, click Verify:


Should you wish to turn off this approval structure, select Turn Off:



Within the Banners tab you have the financial accountability banner and the security banner. To enable these, check the tick box next to them. You are also able to edit the text that is displayed within each banner if required:



Within the Attachments tab you are able to upload documents which will not be displayed on a contract level and will not appear when you download your communications archive.

To upload a document, select the + icon highlighted below:


Next select the green upload icon:


You will then be able to browser your files and select the correct document. Once done, select Create:


To download the attachment, select the down arrow icon. To amend the attachment, select the pencil. To delete the attachment, select the bin icon:



Within the Notes tab you are able to add notes which will only be visible to other Supersusers within this contract in the admin panel. These will not be pulled through to any contractual PDFs and will not be visible on a contract level.

To add a note, select the + symbol:


You will then be presented with a pop-up window where you can enter your note. Once done, press Add:



Within the Audit tab you are able to see the date and time the contract was created, along with the Username of the User who created the contract.

Within here, you are also able to see the date, Username, and log entry for any amendments made to the contract:



Within the Downloads tab you are able to download your contractual PDFs and attachments. To do this, firstly select Create Zip Archive:


Followed by Confirm:


Once the archive has been created, select Download to download the folder containing the PDFs and attachments for your contract:


If your contract contains a lot of data, the download may take a little longer, but please rest assured that it will be downloading in the background and your zip file will become available once the download has completed.

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