The purpose of this article is to explain how the proposed instruction changed decision (PICD) module works in CEMAR.
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The below article is based upon the ECC contract type and the terminology reflects this. Certain actions may be unavailable if you do not have the appropriate permissions. Please speak with your Admin User about whether this is the case.
To open the register, start by navigating to the left-hand expandable menu and selecting Registers, followed by Proposed Instr's/Changed Decisions.
This will then display all events in a list view, colour-coded by their status.
- Blue events with a strike-through line have been elevated to compensation event
Grey eventswith a strike-through line have been marked as having no need to elevate further - Black events are PICDs which haven't yet been replied to, awaiting a quotation.
For the Employer to raise a new PICD, navigate to the left-hand expandable menu and select Create New followed by Proposed Instr'n/Changed Decision.
This will open a new window in which you may title the PICD, choose a CE type and enter the required details.
Selecting Send / Progress will communicate the PICD and will then generate a reminder for the Contractor, to submit a quotation.
Once the Employer has communicated a PICD, the Contractor will be presented with a reminder to submit a quotation. By clicking on a PICD it will open the event.
The Contractor may submit one or more quotations against the PICD by entering the Quotation tab and selecting Add new quotation:
Selecting this will open a new window for a draft quotation, in which you may enter the details, price change and any changes to the Completion Date or Key/Sectional Dates:
By selecting Send / Progress this will submit the quote and it will appear within the Quotation tab of the PICD:
Once the Contractor has submitted a quote, a reminder will be generated for the Employer’s Party, prompting their response:
By clicking on this reminder, the PICD window will open directly to the Quotation tab, click on the quote to view the Contractor’s submission.
At this stage, the Employer has three options.
i) Instruct a revised quotation
ii) Decide that the PICD does not require a CE and will therefore select Notify will not be Given (this can be selected from the Details tab of the PICD)
iii) Elevate the PICD to a CE and accept the quotation (this can be selected from the Details tab of the PICD).
i) Instructing a Revised Quotation
To instruct a revised quotation, open the quote within the Quotations tab and navigate to the Reply tab. Select Instruct revised quotation.
This will then re-appear in the Contractor’s reminders, prompting them to submit a new quotation. By entering the event, the Contractor will be able to add a new quotation.
ii) Decide that a CE is not needed
If the Employer decides that the PICD does not require a CE then they may select Notify will not be Given. Please note that a reason must be provided for this:
The event will then be coloured grey and will be crossed through in the PICD register.
iii) Accepting a quote/elevating to a CE
Should the Employer wish to accept the quote, they must first select Elevate PICD to CE.
Selecting this will create a new compensation event. All the events (PICD, PMI’s and CE) will automatically be associated together, providing an audit of all communications. This can be found within the Associations tab of each event.
The workflow will then follow the process of a CE (The Employer can then open the quote within the CE and navigate to the Reply tab to accept the quote).