This article will explain the process regarding events which are awaiting approval and how they interact with the internal alerts register.
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A contract may have an approval structure in place which provides a form of governance for sending communications within the contract.
This might result in a User being unable to communicate an event without requiring approval from another User.
In this case, once Send / Progress has been selected, you will be presented with one of the following screens (dependent on the approval structure in place and your permissions);
Upon pressing Alert Manager or Seek Approval, the relevant User(s) will be alerted via email and the event will appear within the Internal Alerts register, awaiting a response from one of the contract’s delegated approvers or alerted managers.
To access the approvals outstanding within a contract, you can navigate to the Internal Alerts register by using the left-hand expandable menu, and selecting Registers followed by Internal Alerts:
As an approver or an alerted manager, you will also notice a notification triangle appear at the top of your toolbar when logged into the contract, which once clicked, will direct you to the internal alerts page:
You can also access internal alerts across several contracts by using the Aggregated Internal Alerts page. this can be opened from the Main Menu page:
This shows you the internal alerts register across every contract you are active on. You can refine the list of contracts or events by using the filters after clicking the cog icon:
The content in the Aggregated Internal Alerts register can also be exported to a CSV by clicking the print icon.
All events awaiting approval are visible within the internal alerts register.
The layout of the register is dependent on the approval structure.
Global Approvals
There are three tabs within internal alerts for global approvals.
Team to manager – Events will appear within this tab when a User selects Alert Manager. The Users nominated as alerted managers will then have the option to Seek Approval, which will push it into the next menu.
Manager to approver – Events in this section require a nominated approver to provide approval for this event. Once approval has been given, this approver may then choose to communicate the event or push it back to the alerted managers, in which case it will appear in the final menu.
Approver to Manager – Events in this section have been approved and are ready to communicate. Any User with the correct permissions is then able to communicate this event.
Event Approvals and Alerts Only
Both of these structures have the same internal alerts format. Any event with Alert Manager or Seek Approval selected will then be visible here to all alerted managers and approvers who will need to review the event.
Clicking on an event in the register will open it up. By selecting Send / Progress you can view the approvals commentary.
This will display who has already provided approval for this event or who’s approval is pending (this will vary dependent on the approval structure).
By selecting Perform Action in the top right-hand corner, you will have a number of approval options (dependent on your permissions):