The purpose of this article is to explore the aggregated registers within CEMAR Analytics, illustrating how to navigate the aggregated registers and how to filter and export the data shown.
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To access the event registers, navigate to the left-hand expandable menu and select Registers followed by Aggregated Events:
You will then be displayed with all of the aggregated registers, where you are then able to select the register you wish to view, such as Early Warnings:
When viewing an aggregated register, depending on the filters you've selected, there will be a number of contracts, split into event types.
By expanding these, you can view all applicable events for each of the contracts shown:
This displays events in a similar manner to the contract-level registers, with the same headings and information displayed.
By using this method, you can report on multiple Contracts at once.
Each register has a set of unique filters to refine the data displayed, which you are able to view by selecting the cog icon. Below is an example of the filters available for the early warning register:
To extract this data out of CEMAR, select the printer icon at the top of the page:
You will then be displayed with a summary of the report, allowing you to apply any final filters.
Some registers have the option of viewing either the Summary or Detailed version, each providing varying levels of detail:
By selecting the download icon, you can export the register into a variety of formats: