The purpose of this article is to explore the Task Order (TO) module, detailing how to navigate the register, create & reply to events and how to raise CEs within the event.
Video content is available below.
For information about payment assessments and the total value of Task Orders, please see the Detailed Breakdown in NEC TSC Contracts section of our Detailed and Non-Detailed Breakdown - Payment Assessments help article.
The below article is based upon the TSC contract type and the terminology reflects this. Certain actions may be unavailable if you do not have the appropriate permissions. Please speak with your Admin User if this is the case.
All TOs for the relevant contract will be stored within this register, including a basic overview of each event. It is also possible to click on each event for more information and additional actions.
In order to access the TO register, first navigate to the left-hand expandable menu, then select Registers and Task Orders:
The different states of TOs within the register are listed below:
- Draft: TO which is currently in draft state, this will be italicised.
- Void: TO which has been marked as void (this can only be done if the event is in draft state), at the bottom of the register
- Black TO: TO which has been communicated and is ongoing
- Blue TO: TO which has been marked as completed
Once a TO has been created, click anywhere on the relevant row within the TO register to access the event.
To void a draft event, select the three dots at the end of the TO item, and select Mark this draft event as VOID on the pop-up:
To review the Task Order toolbar options, such as the filter and downloading the register, please see our help desk article here- Event Register
Only the Employer may raise a TO by navigating to the left-hand expandable menu and selecting Create New, followed by Task Order:
You will then be displayed with the below edit form and the fields highlighted in red are required to be completed before the Send / Progress button may be selected:
A price can be applied by either:
- Selecting Quick (no breakdown) in the Instruction tab:
- Selecting Refer to 'Pricing' tab and use the Pricing tab to either Add Item from Price List or Add Non Price List Item
- Or Ask Contractor to Price:
Your Admin User may create new Price List items within the admin panel.
Pricing can't be edited once the Task Order has been instructed, therefore all prices should be entered whilst the event is in draft state. By selecting Ask Contractor to Price, the draft will become visible to the Contractor so that they can add the prices as required.
Prices can be added from a price list if one has been set up by the Admin User, by entering the required quantities as appropriate:
Non-price list items can also be added:
Once prices have been added, the Employer can select the Send / Progress button.
If the Contractor has submitted prices then Alert Service Manager can be selected which will send a notification to the Employer for them to review before progressing the event:
Once the draft Task Order has been communicated, you will notice that the Payment (PSPD) tab is now available. Within here, the Employer can prime this tab with the Full Task price list and CEs, or the Structure of Task price list and CEs:
Selecting the first option will copy all the items exactly as they are and will insert a non-price list item per each CE.
Selecting the second option will copy all the items and will insert a non-price list item per each CE but with no pricing/quantity information. This is so Users can adjust the quantities/prices to do partial payments before making the full payment.
A new TO.CE can be raised by navigating to the Compensation Events tab within the event and selecting Create New CE:
The highlighted fields will need to be completed before the event can be communicated:
TO.CEs can also be viewed in the CE register within the Task Order Compensation tab:
For further information on compensation events please click here.
Once the Contractor deems the TO as complete, they can notify the Employer via the Payment (PSPD) tab within the event by selecting Contractor considers this Task is complete:
The Employer can select Service Manager agrees this Task is complete when deemed appropriate, this will mark the TO as complete and no further TO.CEs can be added to this event: