How to make Comments in Files (Redlining)

Commenting allows you to make markings and comments in files and upload them back to the system:


Depending on the project configuration, commenting is done either directly in the browser or with an external PDF Viewer. Which method of commenting is used in your project is designated by the Project Administrator. 

The option to comment files is also available in the CC-Files app.

To make comments to a file stored within the system, click on the pencil.png icon next to the filename.
Depending on the assigned method of commenting in the project the file will either open directly in you browser or it is downloaded to you device and can be commented using an external PDF program.

Commenting in the Browser (Foxit)

Open the file by clicking on the pencil.png icon next to the filename. The file will open in a new tab of your browser:



Use the options at the top as required to adjust, add comments and markings by clicking on the icon or show the list of comments by clicking mceclip4.png on the left:


mceclip0.png         Move / Size / Rotate (Right-click in the document for the menu with additional options)

mceclip2.png         Select

mceclip16.png    Add forms (click the arrow for additional options: Circle / Line / Arrow / Polygon / Cloud)

mceclip17.png         Add note

mceclip20.png          Freehand draw

mceclip19.png Textbox with arrowline (callout) / Textbox

mceclip18.png Highlight / Cross out / Underline / squiggly underline / Write text


To access the properties of individual comments, right-click on the comment and select "Properties":



Once in the properties you can then adjust the color, outline, font etc. as desired:


No changes can be made under "Properties" once a comment has been saved to the system.



mceclip1.png Add personalized stamps when you click on the stamp icon 
The icon for stamps becomes available in the options at the top after a stamp has been uploaded under "My profile".

To add stamps, click on the username / icon in the top right and select "My profile": mceclip0.png

Upload stamps (format: PDF/PNG/JPG) to be used for commenting on the "My profile" page under the tab "Stamps"

mceclip1.png Video: How to Upload and Use Stamps

To relay the comments back to the system, click on the disc-symbol mceclip5.png at the top of the page:



Once the upload is completed successfully, there will be a notification at the bottom of the page:


Commenting with an External PDF Viewer 

Open the file by clicking on the pencil.png icon next to the filename.


This will download the file to your hard drive where you can open it with the appropriate PDF-Viewer.

Open the file and make your comments, then upload the file by clicking on the logo

in the top left-hand corner of the page.


Commenting in the App (CC-Files)

To make comments in the CC-Files app, download the file in the app and then click on the filename to open.

Once the file is open, click on the pencil icon at the bottom mceclip9.png to show the commenting options:


Click on the option to use and then click on the placement in the document to insert.
Options for commenting are:

mceclip11.png Add note

mceclip12.png Draw & comment (click and hold icon for further options: ie textbox, highlight, cross-out, underline)

mceclip13.png Draw lines (click and hold icon for further options: lines / arrows / squares / circles)

mceclip14.png Erase

mceclip15.png Reverse last step / Close options

Once all comments have been made you can upload them directly to the system by clicking mceclip10.png at the bottom

Further Options at the bottom:

mceclip5.png Help 

mceclip4.png Share

mceclip0.png Hide / Show comments

mceclip1.png Table of all comments

mceclip2.png Check for new comments

mceclip10.png Upload comments

mceclip3.png File information

View Comments / Delete Comments

Once the comments have been uploaded successfully either via app, browser or external pdf-viewer, the filename will appear in red to indicate that this is a file containing comments. Each download of the file will also contain the comments, there is however also the option to select the file and choose "Download without Redlining" from the menu at the bottom:


All markups are also listed under the tab "Redlining" in the file information:


The author of the markups may also delete them by clicking on the delete_entry.png in front of the entry.

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