Select this option to retire or delete the template. The Retire Template dialogue box will display.
Yes please, retire this template - This will remove the template from the device user’s iPads, but retain any work in progress / saved forms. This option will remove the template from the Formworks portal and device user’s iPads, preventing any new forms from being created, but it will permit device users to submit and resubmit forms they have already started or submitted. You have the option of un-retiring templates.
Go ahead and delete this template and archive its forms - This option will remove the form template from device user’s iPads and delete any forms that they have started and saved and any un-started prefilled forms.
Un-retiring & Undeleting templates
You can un-retire and undelete templates, which will reinstate the template, any forms in progress
that are present on the server and any un-started new prefill forms.
Note: Undeleting a template will restore any forms on the Formworks portal that have not been permanently removed by the normal archiving process. The template would be restored to the iPad,
and any forms returned to their correct folders, In Progress and Recently Submitted for example.