Deactivate Users

If a user is no longer active in the project, you can either remove the account completely from the project or you can deactivate the account and prohibit access to the project.

  • A deactivated account that remains in the project as a passive user can be reactivated
  • An account that has been removed from the project can only be added again as a new existing users.
Deactivate Account

On the user administration page click on the displayed name of the user to deactivate.

  • In the new window user settings that opens, click on the tab "Permissions"
  • Check the box marked "is unable to login"
  • Click «Accept changes» at the bottom of the page to save.


Once the option is activated, the "Status" of the user will appear as 'passive' on the user administration page to indicate that this user does not have access to the project.


It is also advisable to remove passive users from the 'Project memberlist' in the Dashboard.
To do this, check the box marked "is not visible in the Dashboard" in the first tab of the user's "User data":


Click «Accept changes» at the bottom of the page to save.


Deactivating multiple users

Both options can also be assigned in one step for multiple users.

  • Select all users by checking the box in front of their name on the user administration page. 
  • Next, select "Passive state" from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page and click «Execute».
  • In the new window that opens, check both boxes in the rows "is unable to login" and "is not visible in the Dashboard" and click execute on that page to assign.


Remove Account from the Project 
  • On the user administration page select all users to remove by checking the box in front of their name
  • Next, select "Remove user from project" from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page and click «Execute».
  • In the new window that opens click «Execute» to finish the process.


If the user to be removed is a project member in other projects to which you have the client administration rights these projects will also be listed in the new window. If the user is to be removed from multiple projects you can check the box for each project that applies.

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