
The Dropbox export type will transfer Formworks output files directly to a Dropbox account.


1. From the main Admin tab, select the Manage Exports tab, then Create New Export. Then select the Dropbox option.
2. Export name: Enter a descriptive name for your export.
3. Export type: Select the Export type from the list. Details of export types can be found in the Export Formats chapter.
4. Folder name: Enter a Dropbox folder name. This will be a folder name, within the Dropbox directory structure, within the Apps, Formworks directory. For example Dropbox/Apps/Formworks/Timesheets. Dropbox insists on an Apps directory when you link other applications to it.
5. Folder Field Name is an alternative to the Folder name field. You can enter the fully qualified field name from a template to be used instead. This permits dynamic naming of folders.

Access Code: Select the ‘get code’ link: If you are already logged into Dropbox, the access code will automatically be inserted into this field. Otherwise you will be taken to the Dropbox login screen first.

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