All folders have a search capability at the top of the list to enable users to quickly find forms they require:
The field will search on:
- Form ID
- Form Title
- Reference text
In addition to the search field, all folders (except the Template folder) have a filter option next to the search field. Tapping this opens a filter dialogue:
There are a wide range of filter options including:
- Form status
- Template type
- Date (started, saved, assigned etc)
- Any form meta data applied to assigned forms.
Form lists can also be ordered by:
- Date started
- Date last saved
- Date assigned
- Reference Text
- Template name
- Recent Activity
Filtered lists can be viewed temporarily by tapping done.
Filtered lists can be permanently saved by creating and naming a new folder. Tap Create Folder at the bottom of the filter dialog box). The new folder will be saved in the main menu with the default folders.
To delete a custom folder - simply drag the folder in the menu to the left and tap delete:
Default List Ordering
Default folders and sub folders have a default listing order. This can be changed in the filter menu under the “Order by” selector - by selecting the sort criteria (e.g. last saved), the order (e.g. Newest first) and setting the default slider so that it is green: