Working with Workflows

Workflows are used to automate project proceedings such as approvals, changes etc.
Common workflows for the design approval process, for example, significantly speed up the delivery and approval process for drawings and reduces errors due to faulty or outdated design use.

An overview and schematic diagram of the workflow process can be found in the "Dashboard" unter the tab "Workflow overview":


Only workflows to which visibilty rights have been assigned to the user are displayed here.

Click on the name of the workflow to view the diagram.

Workflow Module

After choosing the workflow module, you will immediately be shown your open workflow tasks:


Here you have an overview of all tasks and can also export them directly from the system via Excel.

In addition to your own open workflow tasks, you will also find three additional filters on the left side:

  • all workflows
  • open workflows
  • completed workflow

These filters display all entries for which you have access rights.

Workflow tasks can be edited individually by clicking on the title.
If you have marked several workflow tasks with a
check mark, you can use the «Multiple processing» button to access a separate page on which all selected workflow tasks can be edited simultaniously.

You can also download files attached to workflows directly from this summary page by clicking the file name in the appropriate column:



The standard view within the workflow module contains the filterable columns Status, Due Date, Workflow ID, Workflow Name, Current Workflow Step, Editor, Files:


This overview is individually customizable by the participant with a click on the button «Options» on the top right.

All views that are created can also be stored and later selected in the drop-down menu for your convenience.

Filter / Sort

The colums in the overview contain additional functions for filtering and sorting:


  1. Use the single arrow to open the list options. Select all entries to apply by checking the box and then click «OK»
  2. Use the double arrows to sort the entries in chronological order from top to bottom / bottom to top
  3. Use the textbox to enter a search term
  4. All filters that are created can also be stored by clicking on the button «Options» on the top right and later selected in the drop-down menu for your convenience.

Click the magnifying glas mceclip1.png at the top of the page to access the search.

Enter the search term in the search bar and press "Enter" to execute:


All search results matching your entry will then be shown once the search is executed.

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