Creating a new Report Layout

Creating a new Report Layout

Click the Add Report button to start. A blank report layout with the Description of New Report will be created and listed in the reports area.


Select the yellow pen icon to edit the blank report layout. An image of the Formworks form template will be displayed on the left of the screen, and the layout of the report will appear on the right.


Click in the New Report field, and change the title of the report as required – Weekly Summary Report in this case. Select the template fields for your report, by clicking on the green plus icons to add them and the red minus icons to remove them. You can also remove fields from your report by using the dust bin icon next to the field name on the actual report layout.



Renaming and Repositioning fields
You can reposition your report fields by selecting them and dragging them to the correct position. You can also rename fields or place spaces in them to make them more readable, simply by selecting them from the fields list on the right side of the screen. Alias names are used as column headings if available, if not, the elements name property. If neither are available, the fully qualified field name is used.


Fields Contained in Tables
You cannot select individual fields within a table element. You must either select all of them or none. In this example, all the fields within the Order Details table have been include. This appears as item 5, Table1 in the report layout on the right. Column headings in the output files would be named using elements alias property first and if not provided, the elements name. If neither of these are provided, the column heading in the output will be blank – the fully qualified field name is not used.


Editing Field Names
When you have all your fields present on the report layout, you can edit any of the field names to something more appropriate, if required. In this instance I have changed Name to Staff Name.



Reordering Field Names
You can reorganise the order that field names appear in your report by dragging them up or down.

Saving the Report
When you have the required report name, field names and field order, select the green Save button. You will be notified that the report layout has been saved. Select the red Close button to return you to the Reports tab.

You can always edit the report, by selecting the yellow pen icon, and repeating the steps above.

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