- Task Order Programmes (TO.PROG)
- Payments (ECSC, TSSC & PSSC)
- Compensation Events (CE)
- Payments (ECC, ECS, TSC & FIDIC)
- Payments (PSC)
- NEC3 - Task Orders (TO)
- NEC4 - Task Orders (TO)
- Early Warnings (EW)
- NEC4 - Contractor's Proposal (CP)
- Defects
- Design Submission (DS)
- Programmes (PROG)
- General Instructions (PMI, SMI, EI, and CIs)
- Forecast to Completion (FTC)
- NEC4 Short Form Compensation Events (CE)
- Technical Queries (TQ)
- Proposed Instructions (PI)
- Proposed Instructions / Changed Decisions (PICD)
- Searches
- Tests/Inspections (TI)
- General Events - Subcontracting