The access to the CONCLUDE CDE is limited to registered users.
When a new account is created by the systems administrator, the user receives two e-mails with their login information. The first e-mail contains the username, the second e-mail contains a link with which to set your own password. The link to set your password is valid 7 days.
Click on the link to set your password in the e-mail you received. Once you have created your password, proceed to the login page
On the login page, enter the username you received in the first box "User name" and the password you created in the second box "Password".
Click «Login» to complete the sign-in process.
In the event that you require a new password, click on the link “I have lost my password” next to the «LOGIN» button on the login page:
On the next page enter either your username, e-mail address or both and confirm that you are not a robot.
Click «Send» once the entries are made.
If your account can be identified based on the criteria (username and/or e-mail) you have entered a new password link will automatically be sent to you via e-mail.
If your account cannot be identified, a systems administrator will contact you if an e-mail address was entered.
Once you have logged on to the platform click on the username / usericon in the top right hand corner of the page.
Select "My profile" from the drop-down menu that opens when you click.
On the My Profile page that appears click on the button «Change password» at the bottom of the page.
On the next page "Set new password" that appears when you click «Change password» enter your current password in the first textbox "Old password".
Next enter a new password in the second textbox "New password".
Repeat the new password from the second textbox in the last box "New password (repeat)"
Click «Change password» at the bottom of the page once all entries have been made.