Creating User Accounts

Access to the platform is only possible if a user has an active account to a project. An account can only be created or added by project administrators.

There are two ways an account can be added to a project:

1) create a new account
2) add an already existing account

For each method you can either add the new / existing user individually or use an already existing project participant as a template. Using an existing user as a template is the customary way to add users.

Each new user requires a role, a profile and at least one group.

The login, displayed name and e-mail address is the minimum information required in order to create an account.

Create new user 

Click on “Add / create user” in the navigation menu under "User" and select the option “Create new user”


Next, enter a Login and Displayed name and click «Continue»:


The login is the name the user users to log on to the platform. Usually the login is the users e-mail address but it can also be freely defined. If a login already exists there will be a warning and you will not be able to proceed. Either choose a different login or use the option “Add an existing user” on the previous page instead of “Create new user”.

The displayed name is the account name as it appears in the project participants list.

On the next screen click on either:

  • “Add the user with primary group” (standard)
  • “Add the user with single user group” (specialty case, do not use as standard).

Then, on the next screen click on either:

  • “User should receive E-Mail notifications” (standard)
  • “User should not receive any E-Mail notifications for now” (specialty case, do not use as standard)

If the user should receive e-mail notifications, enter a valid e-mail address of the recipient on the next screen and click «Continue».


On the final settings page, use the drop-down menu to select the user's primary group, role and profile. Additional groups can be assigned by clicking on the mceclip12.png button.

final_settings.pngFinally create a password by clicking “Make a suggestion” next to the password box. A password will be automatically created with regards to the defined password rules listed (Standard), or amend the requirements before clicking "Make a suggestion" if a more complex password is required.

Click «Execute» to proceed to the user data page for the new account:


The entries Login, Displayed name, E-Mail and Notifications found on the user data page correspond to the information previously entered during the creation process. You can make additional entries for contact information if necessary (not mandetory).

Click «Accept changes» at the bottom of the page to save.

Afterward, send out login information to all new users.


Create new user using template 

The standard practice is to add users using an already existing project participant as a template. If there is a participant with the same or similar rights or contact information and you want to copy these settings for the new user select the second option “Create new user using a template” under “Add / create user” in the navigation menu:


Enter the login and displayed name and click «Continue»:


The login is the name the user uses to log on to the platform. Usually the login is the users e-mail address but it can also be freely defined. If a login already exists there will be a warning and you will not be able to proceed. Either choose a different login or use the option “Add an existing user” on the previous page instead of “Create new user using template”.

The displayed name is the account name as it appears in the project participants list.


On the next page chose the user from the project you want to use as a template by selecting the account from the list in the drop-down menu next to "Template" and click «Continue»:


On the final settings page the primary group, role, profile and additional groups for the new user have been copied from the template user:


Keep these settings or make adjustments as required. Add or remove additional groups by clicking on the mceclip11.png button

Finally create a password by clicking “Make a suggestion” next to the password box. A password will be automatically created with regards to the defined password rules listed or amend the requirements before clicking "Make a suggestion" if a more complex password is required.

Click «Execute» to proceed to the user data page for the new account:


The entries Login and Displayed name found on the user data page correspond to the information previously entered during the creation process. All other information (including the "Info Interval") has been copied from the template user and needs to be checked carefully and modified as necessary for the new user!


At the bottom of the page enter the e-mail address of the new user and set the notification to "E-Mail", the standard Info Interval should be 5 minutes:


Click «Accept changes» at the bottom of the page to save.

Afterward, send out login information to all new users.

Add an existing user 

If the user you want to add already has a user account, the existing account can be added to the project instead of creating a new account.

Click on the option “Add an existing user” under “Add / create user” in the navigation menu:


On the next page enter the appropriate search criteria for the existing account in the textbox and click «Search»:


All existing user accounts matching your search criteria will be shown. Select the account you want to add by clicking on the round button in front of the name.

Click on «Continue» to proceed.

On the next screen click on either:

  • “Add the user with primary group” (standard)
  • “Add the user with single user group” (specialty case, do not use as standard)

Next, on the final settings page, you must make a selection for Primary group, Role and Profile by choosing the appropriate option from the corresponding drop-down menu:


Add additional groups as required by clicking on the mceclip11.png button.

Click «Execute» once all entries have been made.

The final page then shows the user data for the existing account:


Review the entries carefully and either use the global data already provided or select the project-specific settings to enter alternate data (e.g. e-mail recipient, displayed name) for different projects.

The entries made under global data will be displayed in all the projects the user has access to if the project-specific data is not active and should not be modified when adding an existing user.


Click «Accept changes» at the bottom of the page once all entries have been made to complete the process of adding the existing account to the project.


New login information does not have to be sent out when existing users were added. The user can access the new project with their existing username and password and select the new project on the projects page. 


Add existing user using template 

Click on the option “Add an existing user using a template” under “Add / create user” in the navigation menu:


On the next page enter the appropriate search criteria for the existing account in the textbox and click «Search»:


All existing user accounts matching your search criteria will be shown. Select the account you want to add by clicking on the round button in front of the name.

Click on «Continue» to proceed.

On the next page select the user from the project to use as a template by clicking on the drop-down menu:


Once a template user is selected, click on «Continue»

The final settings page already contains the entries for Primary group, Role, Profile and Additional groups as copied from the template user:


Keep these settings or make adjustments as required. Add or remove additional groups by clicking on the mceclip11.png button

Click «Execute» to continue.

The final page then shows the user data for the existing account:


Review the entries carefully and either use the global data already provided or select the project-specific settings to enter alternate data (e.g. e-mail recipient, displayed name) for different projects.

The entries made under global data will be displayed in all the projects the user has access to if the project-specific data is not active and should not be modified when adding an existing user.


Click «Accept changes» at the bottom of the page once all entries have been made to complete the process.


New login information does not have to be sent out when existing users were added. The user can access the new project with their existing username and password and select the new project on the projects page. 

Adding (Multiple) Users via Import

It is also possible to add multiple users via an import. In order to do this, you will first need to download the user template. 

To access this, open the Users section from the left-hand vertical menu and then scroll to the bottom to select User matrix.


On the next page, scroll to the bottom again and select Export user table (import format).


You can then choose whether you wish to view users for specific roles or not. To view all users, just select the Export user table (import format). 


This downloads an Excel document like below. All the user details can be seen here, including logins, roles, profiles and groups (scroll to the right to see these). 


At the bottom of the list, you can then fill in the details for your new users. Please see the example below in yellow. Note that it is not necessary to fill out all details here. 


Once you've added your new user details, make sure to delete all existing user details and then save this to your desktop. 


You are then ready to upload. Head to the Import users section and choose the tile. 


By selecting a default role, group and profile, it will ensure that if there are any mistakes in the document, that the user's role, group or profile will default to the one selected. 

The group strategy settings translate as follows;


  • Zuorden / Gruppen anlegen = if a group defined in the document matches an existing group, the user will be added to this group. If the group doesn't exist, the system will create a new group based on the title you've entered in the group column for the user(s).
  • Zuorden / Einzelbenutzergruppen anlegen = this will create a single user group for each user (a group that is only usable for one user - this is rarely used). 
  • Zurdnen / Defaultgruppe benutzen = this is the option to use the default group that you will select in the dropdown directly underneath. This is the easiest option. 
  • Immer Einzelbenutzergruppen anlegen = this again refers to single user groups. Rarely used. 

Next, you can use the checkboxes to for the following options;


  • As passive users = this means that the users get an account but can't login to this project.
  • As external users = this is rarely used. It means that the users get an account but don't get access to the project they also get restricted permissions.
  • Detect logins = this forces the system to check whether the login name already exists. If there is an existing account for this user on the CDE, it will add this project to their existing account. If it does not detect an existing login, it will simply create the new user account. It is advised to check this to avoid account duplication.

Click Auswerten to proceed to the next stage. 

You are then shown a summary before the changes are implemented. 


The top section above, with the warning message, shows that the user is already in the project and is therefore not created. The section below confirms the successful changes.

You can also see that the system has automatically generated a password.

Check the tickbox to state that you have verified the changes and then click Importieren to implement the changes.


Once you've completed process detailed above to import users, head back to the User section from the left-hand vertical menu. 

Select all of the new Users, then at the bottom of the page from the dropdown list, select Password Restriction followed by Execute.

Set the minimum characters to 8, or to the client's requirements, and then select Execute again. 
Within the User section again, select all the new Users and this time select Password recovery from the dropdown followed by Execute.
On the next page, select Login und Reset versenden with default selected in the dropdown. Once you select Execute, the users will get two emails. One containing a login and one containing a password setup link. 


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