
A role is assigned in order to classify participants according to their function within the project structure. The role does not grant users any rights, it is merely a title assigned to allow easy categorization and overview of all project participants on the user administration page and the project memberlist in the Dashboard. Roles can be further subdivided into splitters within roles. Some examples of the most frequently used roles are: Owner, Project lead, Planner, Construction company. etc.


Creating roles

Click on “Roles” under “Users” in the navigation menu of the administration page:


Enter the name of the new role you want to create in the textbox, assign a sorting number in the second box and click the button «New» below the textbox to create.

Rename roles

Click on “Roles” under “Users” in the navigation menu of the administration page:

Choose the role you want to rename from the list in the grey box by clicking on the round button in front of the name to select:


Type the new name in the textbox and click «Rename» below the textbox to assign the new name to the selected role.

Sort roles

Click on “Roles” under “Users” in the navigation menu of the administration page:

Choose the role you want to sort from the list in the grey box by clicking on the round button in front of the name to select:


Type the new numeric order number in the box and click «Sort» at the bottom.

The order in which the roles are sorted is the order in which the roles appear on the project memberlist in the Dashboard and the overview of all project participants on the user administration page.

Deleting roles

Click on “Roles” under “Users” in the navigation menu of the administration page:

Choose the role you want to delete from the list in the grey box by clicking on the round button in front of the name to select:

mceclip8.pngOnce selected, click on «Delete» at the bottom.

Only roles that are not assigned to any users can be deleted.

Assigning roles

Only one role can be assigned per account. The role must be defined initially when creating the user account. If a user is to receive a new role this can be done individually for each user on the user data page under the tab “Permissions”:


For multiple users the role can be removed and assigned by selecting the checkboxes next to the username and clicking either «Add assignment for marked users» or «Remove assignment for marked users» on the right-hand section of the page “Roles” under “Users” in the navigation menu of the administration page:


There is also a separate option in the navigation menu “Users to roles” with a list of all users within the project for individual assignment:


Here you can assign roles to the accounts by selecting the appropriate role next to the users´ name from the drop-down menu.

Click «Save changes» at the bottom of the page once all assignments have been made.


Splitters are used to sub-categorize roles for better management and overview in the project participants list on the dashboard and on the user administration page


Create splitters by clicking on "Splitters" under “Roles” in the navigation menu of the administration page.

Select the role for which you want to add or delete splitters by clicking on the round button in front of the name of the role in the grey box:


Once a role has been selected, add a splitter by entering a numeric code for the splitter in the first box. This determines the order and is used for assigning.

Then, enter the name of the splitter that you want to appear in the project memberlist in the second box.

Click «New» to create.


Delete a splitter by clicking on the round button in front of the name to select and then click «Delete»


Adding splitters

Click on “Roles” under “Users” in the navigation menu of the administration page:


Select the role for which you want to add splitters by clicking on the round button in front of the name of the role in the grey box.

Enter the numeric code of the splitter you want to assign in the box next to the participants name and click «Sort» at the bottom to assign.

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